The Club is organized into Sections for the promotion of friendship and the study of special subjects, or the carrying on of its various branches of work. Members may belong to more than one section. Check out our current list of Sections below. Contact Us for more information!
What: A social dice game played in teams with three dice. Play is for approximately two hours with a short break halfway through to enjoy a light snack provided by the hostess of the month.
When: First Monday, year round. Play 12:30 pm to about 2:30 pm.
Where: Basement Room in the Dudley House, 197 North Ashwood Avenue in Ventura
Chair: Ariel Cottrell & Ingrid Mackey
What: A card game of the Rummy family of games played by four in two partnerships with three standard decks of cards.
When: Third Friday, year round. 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
Where: Canada Larga Room of the Poinsettia Pavilion
Chair: Joan Jayasinghe & Rosemary Wilde
Garden of Eatin’
What: There is no structure to the monthly luncheon other than to enjoy a few hours having lunch and visiting with friends. Sometimes these are combined with a fundraising event.
When: Third Tuesday, year round. 11:30 am.
Where: Restaurant selected by the hostess of the month.
Chair: Kathie Briggs
Assistant: Barbara Marcus
Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO)
What: Combines our passion for reading and an easy way to achieve levels of recognition for doing what we enjoy. A casual group that shares books of all types.
When: Second Wednesday 12:30 pm.
Where: Informal gathering at chair’s home. Occasional field trips.
Chair Book Club: Rosemary Wilde
Chair ESO: Shirley Lorraine

Shop for Fun-Dough (SFFD)
What: Joint fundraising effort with local vendors. Members listen to and see demonstrations of the various products and services the vendors have to offer. In exchange for your time and/or purchases the club receives” Fun-Dough”. Members are encouraged to support the merchants and to give their receipts to the chairperson who at the end of the year redeems the “Fun-Dough” and receipts for cash.
When: Second Friday, year round. 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
Where: Grace Bible Church, 936 W. 5th Street in Oxnard
Chair: Carla Kincaid
See the Shop For Fun Dough website here:
Evening Section
What: Monthly meeting designed for working women who are unable to attend the daytime activities. Fun activities are chosen by the monthly hostess. Updates from the general daytime meetings are shared.
When: Third Thursday, January through October. 7 pm to 9 pm.
Where: Location is selected by monthly hostess.
Chair: Carrie Spira & Michelle Vance
When: Second Friday of the month at 1:00 pm.
Where: Ventura Avenue Adult Center, 550 N Ventura Ave.
Chair: Sonia Demeter